
RealestateInSky is a business solution that provides unique support to real estate businesses, combining and automatizing all the processes in the organization using a mobile client, geolocation, and desired approval process. All requests, assessments, and correspondence between different stakeholders and clients are done using this solution. Advanced features and custom upgrades are done upon client request.

The RealestateInSky solution, as implemented in the real estate company Erste Nekretnine, owned by the Erste Group, is a shining example of a successful implementation with a commendable client.


Highly suitable when there is the need for:

Γ° Digitalization

Γ° Revision and optimization of business processes

Γ° Information flow rate increase

Γ° Collaboration of numerous dislocated employees and associates

Γ° Creating a unique database




β€’ Creation, authorization, and approval of all requests

β€’ Creating an offer for the client within the application

β€’ Control of received and overdue payments

β€’ Delegation of submitted requests to real estate assessors

β€’ Automatic conversion of Real estate assessment from a submitted request

β€’ Meetings and property review scheduler

β€’ Request processing and calculations

β€’ Authorization of requests based on security roles

β€’ Creating final accounting report

β€’ Check payment coverage

β€’ Automatic email notifications

β€’ Archive of all documents


Application and Advantages for the Customers

ΓΎ Solution that enables managing the process of designing and approving assessments

ΓΎ Automation and design of all processes related to real estate assessments

ΓΎ Collaboration of a larger number of users within and outside of an organization


β€’ Two interfaces for end users:

o CRM interface for administrators

o Custom dashboard for end users

β€’ Customized Control panel

β€’ Extended custom security for data management and process execution

β€’ Enhanced data paging, sorting, extended filtering, inline editing, hiding and merging columns

β€’ Customized validation and easy-to-manage forms like:

o automatic search completion

o related pre-filtering searches

o multi-channel searches

β€’ Unique database with advanced search capabilities

β€’ Document management and storage support for SharePoint

β€’ Easy to copy data

β€’ Integrated Bing maps - geolocation data and basic information overview

β€’ Push notifications and alarms in real-time

β€’ Embedded security model for managing user rights

β€’ Compatible with tablets and mobile devices